Beyond Elegance: Exploring the White British Shorthair Cat Price in India 2024 – A Buyer’s Guide!

White British Shorthair Cat Price in India:The allure of the White British Shorthair cat is undeniable, with its striking appearance and amiable personality. For potential pet owners in India, understanding the price range and factors influencing it is crucial. This guide navigates through the nuances of owning this elegant feline companion.

Understanding the White British Shorthair Cat

Known for their dense, plush coats and round faces, White British Shorthair are a distinct breed. They exhibit a calm and friendly demeanor, making them popular among cat enthusiasts. White British Shorthair Cat Price in India.

Characteristics of the White British Shorthair

Their sturdy build and charming blue eyes complement their predominantly white coat. These cats are known for their independent yet affectionate nature, making them ideal companions for families.

White British Shorthair Cat Availability in India

While not as prevalent as in some other countries, White British Shorthair can be found through reputable breeders and shelters across India. However, their availability might vary based on location and demand.

White British Shorthair Cat Availability in India

Factors Affecting Price

Several factors influence the White British Shorthair Cat Price in India, including lineage, age, health, and breeder reputation. Cats from champion bloodlines or with specific markings might command a higher price.

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White British Shorthair Cat Price in India

White British Shorthair Cat Price in India

The cost of a White British Shorthair cat can vary across different cities in India: like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai.

British Shorthair Price in Delhi

In Delhi, prices typically range from ₹30,000 to ₹50,000 for a White British Shorthair kitten from a reputable breeder.

British Shorthair Price in Mumbai

In Mumbai, the price range for these cats varies between ₹35,000 to ₹55,000, depending on the breeder and the cat’s lineage.

White British Shorthair Price in Bangalore

White British Shorthair cats in Bangalore generally cost between ₹40,000 to ₹60,000, reflecting the demand and availability in the region.

British Shorthair Price in Kolkata

In Kolkata, prices may range from ₹35,000 to ₹50,000 for a healthy and well-bred White British Shorthair.

British Shorthair Price in Chennai

Chennai sees a price range of ₹30,000 to ₹45,000 for these charming felines, considering factors like pedigree and health.

Decoding the Cost: A Buyer’s Guide

Decoding the Cost: A Buyer's Guide

The price of a White British Shorthair in India can vary dramatically depending on several factors, like:

  • Lineage: Pedigreed cats with traceable ancestry command higher prices.
  • Breeder Reputation: Reputable breeders who prioritize ethical breeding and kitten health often charge more.
  • Age and Sex: Kittens typically cost more than adults, and females are generally pricier than males.
  • Coat Quality: A pristine white coat with minimal markings fetches a premium.
  • Location: Prices can differ based on the town or city, with major metros usually witnessing higher costs.


Understanding the pricing dynamics and availability of White British Shorthair Cat Price in India is essential for prospective buyers. Considering various factors can ensure a well-informed and satisfying purchase.


Are White British Shorthair cats suitable for families with children?

Yes, these cats are known for their gentle and friendly nature, making them great companions for families.

How can I find a reputable breeder for a White British Shorthair in India?

Research online, seek recommendations, and visit breeders personally to ensure credibility and ethical practices.

Do White British Shorthairs require special grooming?

Regular grooming is beneficial due to their dense coat, but they generally don’t require extensive grooming routines.

Are White British Shorthair prone to specific health issues?

While generally robust, they might have common cat health issues; regular vet check-ups are advisable.

Are there rescue organizations in India that offer White British Shorthair for adoption?

Yes, there are rescue groups and shelters dedicated to rehoming these cats, providing opportunities for adoption.

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